I needed to group severity of CVEs for a project I am working on into low, medium, and high ranges. We have a risk score value between 0-100 that we can use to categorize each CVE into a range.
We use the pandas library because it has some methods already written that allow us to read a csv file and apply our severity function to the data on each row in our csv file.
We can use the apply() function to do this with a lambda. We can define a new column this way and it will write out the newly computed data to its own column at the end of our file.
# this program will transform our cve and risk score data and append a severity score to a new csv file
import pandas as pd
headers = ['CVE_ID', 'RISK_SCORE']
df = pd.read_csv('Downloads/cve_ids_and_risk_scores.csv', names=headers)
# what our DataFrame looks like before we transform it with an extra column of data
0 | CVE-2007-6750 | 55.3898 |
1 | CVE-2009-2197 | 24.0022 |
2 | CVE-2009-3270 | 41.5423 |
3 | CVE-2009-3560 | 27.6949 |
4 | CVE-2009-3720 | 27.6949 |
# setup arrays of each number range for our risk scores
low = list(range(0, 32))
medium = list(range(33, 65))
high = list(range(66, 100))
# function to group our risk scores
def severity(risk_score):
if risk_score in low:
return 'low'
if risk_score in medium:
return 'medium'
if risk_score in high:
return 'high'
# use apply() function with lambda to loop over the risk_score rows, axis=1 is required to loop over each row
# set new column name as SEVERITY
df['SEVERITY'] = df.apply(lambda x: severity(int(x['RISK_SCORE'])), axis=1)
0 | CVE-2007-6750 | 55.3898 | medium |
1 | CVE-2009-2197 | 24.0022 | low |
2 | CVE-2009-3270 | 41.5423 | medium |
3 | CVE-2009-3560 | 27.6949 | low |
4 | CVE-2009-3720 | 27.6949 | low |
# lets try to graph this by severity
df.hist(by='SEVERITY', figsize=(6, 4))
array([[<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'high'}>, <AxesSubplot:title={'center':'low'}>], [<AxesSubplot:title={'center':'medium'}>, <AxesSubplot:>]], dtype=object)